secretspy0404's blog

I am the creator of the Windows series on flipnote hatena. I'll post entries dealing with my life, writing, and artwork and I'll try to keep you guys updated us much as possible!

Writing Challenge 2: Blue Shard

Genre: Mystery

The Characters are obvioulsy not mine but I thought I'd write an introduction to a short mystery with Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. I had fun writing it and I hope I can continue!

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"Describe it to me, John."

"Wha- It's right in front of you!"

"Please. I need another perspective."

John Watson gave a tired sigh just looking at the scene. Holmes was bent over a corpse inspecting every slight detail in the shard.

"You know, we might just want to call Lestrade over and let him take a look with his team." John continued. "It'll look like we killed this man, Sherlock. And we both know that they already suspect you of being a psychopath." his voice trailed into a laugh.

"I'm a highly functioning sociopath. Hardly anything like a psychopath. If you want to get Lestrade, just call him. I'll only need another minute." He began to inspect the shard once more. "Now please. Describe it."

John walked over to him and took the shard. "Well, it's certainly blue. Not like that even matters." he huffed sarcastically.

"Cerulean." Sherlock's deep voice mumbled quickly. "And it certainly does matter, John. Just its color could give away hints to where it was made. Blue pigments are easier to make in places like the Netherlands, Egypt, even Brussels--"

Watson glared at Sherlock quickly and began examining again. "It's…very smooth. Like sea glass…wait. Why the hell would he just be carrying around sea glass?"

"It's not sea glass, John. Take a closer look." Sherlock began to pace.

"Well…it's…mosaic? Is it mosaic?" he muttered doubtfully.

"Precisely! See these marks on on the side? They clearly indicate that a sort of glue was slathered here and all along the back. It's long gone now, but the logic is sound. And here…" he pointed to a small indent on its side. "It's got a number."

John squinted. "23? Why 23?"

"I don't know." Sherlock smiled, feeling giddy. He always reacted this way in the midst of a case.

"…You don't--" Watson started and then stopped as he watched the consulting detective stride out of the room as if nothing peculiar had happened.

Watson held the shard over his head and watched it shimmer in the light from the apartment window.

"…oh. OH! Sherlock! Sherlock, wait!" Watson bounded out the door after his companion, stopping him in his tracks. "I know this design! Do you know that singer, Lady Doohan at Molly's cafe?" Sherlock nodded in interest.

"She's a friend of the family. I've been to her house multiple times. This is a part of her mosaic wall. What if the killer left a codex message with these numbers?" He continued.

"I guess it's only a matter of time before we find out, Watson."